Best Creative Writing Graduate Programs 2014

Your fellow students and their work

The best way to know the truth about any writing program is to interrogate the students, who can always be relied on to be recklessly truthful. Ideally you do this face to face, at our Open House - which is usually held in the first week of November – but while you're waiting, here's a profile of our program that was broadcast recently on BBC News, here's an article about our program by John Freeman in Electric Literature, and here's an interview with Peter Carey, in which he talks about teaching here at Hunter. You should also check out the links below to work by our student and alumni fiction writers, poets and memoirists.

Kaitlyn Greenidge, Hunter MFA Fiction 2010
(Algonquin, 2021)

Phil Klay, Hunter MFA Fiction 2011
(Penguin, 2020)

Claire Cox, Hunter MFA Fiction 2013
Silver Beach
(UMass Press, 2021)


Megha Majumdar, Hunter MFA Fiction 2011
A Burning: A Novel
(Knopf, 2020)

Meng Jin, Hunter MFA Creative Fiction 2014
Little Gods: A Novel
(HarperCollins, 2020)

Liz Moore, Hunter MFA Fiction 2009
Long Bright River: A Novel
(Riverhead, 2020)

Amy Jo Burns, Hunter MFA Memoir 2011
Shiner: A Novel
(Riverhead, 2019)

Ahmad Almallah, Hunter MFA Poetry 2019
Bitter English: Poems
University of Chicago Press, 2019)

Dana Czapnik, Hunter MFA Fiction 2015
The Falconer: A Novel

(Simon & Schuster, 2019)

Anuradha Bhagwati, Hunter MFA Creative Nonfiction 2020
Unbecoming: A Memoir of Disobedience

(Atria Books, 2019)

Jeannie Vanasco, Hunter MFA Creative Nonfiction 2014
Things We Didn't Talk About When I was a Girl: A Memoir

(Tin House Books, 2019)

Phil Klay, Hunter MFA Fiction 2011

(Penguin, 2014)

*New York Times front-page review
*New York Times best seller
*Named among "5 Under 35" National Book Foundation best young writers of 2014
*Michiko Kakutani's "10 Best Books of 2014" in The New York Times

Liz Moore, Hunter MFA Fiction, 2009
The Unseen World
(Norton, 2017)
Jeannie Vanasco, Hunter MFA Creative Nonfiction, 2014
The Glass Eye: A Memoir
(Tin House Books, 2017)
Ari Banias, Hunter MFA Poetry, 2007
Anybody: Poems
(W.W. Norton, 2016)
Janice Y.K. Lee, Hunter MFA Fiction 1999
The Expatriates: A Novel

(Penguin Books, 2017)
Krystal A. Sital, Hunter MFA Creative Nonfiction 2012
Secrets We Kept: Three Women of Trinidad

(W.W. Norton & Co., 2018)
Kaitlyn Greenidge, Hunter MFA Fiction, 2010
We Love You Charlie Freeman: A Novel
(Algonquin Press, 2016)
Winner of the Whiting Award
Sunil Yapa, Hunter MFA Fiction, 2010
Your Heart is a Muscle the Size of a Fist
(Lee Boudreaux Books, 2016)
Shortlisted for PEN/Faulkner Award
Gabriel Packard, Hunter MFA Fiction, 2008
The Painted Ocean
(Corsair, 2016)
Maria Venegas, Hunter MFA Nonfiction 2009
Bulletproof Vest: A Memoir

(Farrar Straus Giroux, 2014)
This memoir was excerpted in Granta and The Guardian (UK).
Chaiti Sen, Hunter MFA Fiction, 2005
The Pathless Sky: A Novel
(Europa Editions, 2015)

Lauren Holmes, Hunter MFA Fiction, 2012
Barbara the Slut and Other People
(U.S. Riverhead Penguin, U.K. Fourth Estate, 2016)

Chris Robinson, Hunter MFA Poetry 2009
The War of the Encyclopaedists: A Novel

(Scribner, 2015)
Carmiel Banasky, Hunter MFA Fiction, 2010
The Suicide of Claire Bishop: A Novel

(Dzanc Books, 2015)
Jeff Rotter, Hunter MFA Fiction, 2006
The Only Words Worth Remembering

(Metropolitan, 2015)
Vanessa Manko, Hunter MFA Fiction 2008
The Invention of Exile: A Novel
(Penguin, 2014)
Scott Cheshire, Hunter MFA Fiction 2010
High as the Horses' Bridles: A Novel

(Holt, 2014)
Jason Porter, Hunter MFA Fiction 2008
Why Are You So Sad? A Novel
(Plume, 2014)
Bill Cheng, Hunter MFA Fiction 2010
Southern Cross the Dog: A Novel
(Amistad Press/Harper Collins in the U.S. and Picador in the U.K., 2014)
Southern Cross the Dog
Gary Shteyngart, Hunter MFA Fiction 2002
Little Failure
(Random House, 2014)

*Finalist, 2014 National Book Critics Circle Award
*New York Times best seller
*Michiko Kakutani's "10 Best Books of 2014" in New York Times

Jessica Soffer, Hunter MFA Fiction 2009
Tomorrow There Will Be Apricots: A Novel
(Houghton Mifflin in the U.S. and Hutchinson in the UK, 2013)

Alex Gilvarry, Hunter MFA Fiction 2009
From the Memoirs of an Non-Enemy Combatant: A Novel
(Viking/Penguin, 2012)

Liz Moore, Hunter MFA Fiction 2009
Heft: A Novel
(W.W. Norton, 2012)

Phil Klay, Hunter MFA Fiction, 2011

A short story published
The Best American Nonrequired Reading 2012 ed. Dave Eggers (Mariner Books, 2008)
(This story was also published in Granta 116; see below)

Eva Talmadge, Hunter MFA Fiction, 2008

"The Cranes"
Short story selected as "Notable Nonrequired Reading of 2008" in
The Best American Nonrequired Reading 2008 ed. Dave Eggers (Mariner Books, 2008)

Janice Y. K. Lee, Hunter MFA Fiction 2002

The Piano Teacher: A Novel
(Viking, January 2009)

[New York Times Bestseller. Published in 20 countries and 18 languages]

Jeffrey Rotter, Hunter MFA Fiction 2006

The Unknown Knowns: A Novel
(Scribner, 2009)

Gary Shteyngart, Hunter MFA Fiction 2002

Super Sad True Love Story: A Novel
(Random House, 2010)

Gary Shteyngart, Hunter MFA Fiction 2002

(Random House, 2006)

New York Times 10 Best Books of 2006

Caroline Conway, Hunter MFA Poetry 2006

"Spliting--322 Humphrey Street" poem in
Ploughshares, Winter 2008-2009

Gary Shteyngart, Hunter MFA Fiction 2002

The Russian Debutante's Handbook
(Riverhead, 2003)

New York Times bestseller

Gary Shteyngart, Hunter MFA Fiction 2002

Granta Best of Young American Novelists 2
(Granta 97: Grove Press, 2007)

Granta named Gary Shteyngart one of best young American novelists of the decade

Phil Klay, Hunter MFA Fiction, 2011

A short story published
Granta 116: Ten Years Later
(This story was also published in Best American Nonrequired Reading 2012; see above)

Maria Venegas, Hunter MFA Nonfiction 2009

"Bulletproof Vest," an extract from her book in progress, published in
Granta, Issue 108, Fall 2009

Jessica Soffer, Hunter MFA Fiction 2009

"Beginning, End" a short story published in
Granta's online edition, June, 2009

Victoria Brown, Hunter MFA Fiction 2011 Minding Ben: A Novel
(Hyperion, 2011)
The New York Times Book Review profiled Victoria, on July 14, 2010.

Aura Estrada, Hunter MFA Fiction, 2008

Mis Días en Shanghai
A collection of short fiction.
(Almadía, 2009)

Liz Moore, Hunter MFA Fiction 2009

The Words of Every Song
(Random House/Broadway, 2007)

Tennessee Jones, Hunter MFA Fiction 2009

Deliver Me From Nowhere
(Soft Skull Press, 2005)

Colin Channer, Hunter MFA Fiction 2009

The Girl with the Golden Shoes
(Akashic Books, 2007)

Washington Post 2007 Spring Pick

Scott Cheshire, Hunter MFA Fiction 2010

"Watchers" a short story published in
AGNI Magazine's online edition, June, 2009

Vernon Wilson, Hunter MFA Fiction 2011

"The Prince"
A short story published in
Callaloo, Vol. 25, No. 4

Geronimo Madrid, Hunter MFA Fiction 2006

"What I Did Showed Extremely Bad Judgement"
A short story published in
BOMB Magazine, Fall 2006

David Rogers, Hunter MFA Fiction 2006

"The Tie Down"
A short story published in
The Antioch Review, Fall 2005

Eva Talmadge, Hunter MFA Fiction, 2008

Short story in
Subtropics, no. 7, Winter/Spring 2009

Eva Talmadge, Hunter MFA Fiction, 2008

Short story in
New Orleans Review 33.2 (December 2007)

Noa Jones, Hunter MFA Fiction, 2009

"Brother Ron"
Short story, 1st-Place Winner of 2009 May Glimmer Train Short Story Award for New Writers
Glimmer Train, Summer 2009

Matt Mercier, Hunter MFA Fiction, 2007

"Valentine Ave."
Short story, 2nd-Place Winner of 2008 May Short Story Award
Glimmer Train, Summer 2008

Carmiel Banasky, Hunter MFA Fiction, 2010

Short story, 1st-Place Winner of 2008 Glimmer Train Family Matters story competition, published in
Glimmer Train, Summer 2009

"Dinner in Diaspora" short story, Glimmer Train

Kaitlyn Greenidge, Hunter MFA Fiction, 2010

"The Things They Paid For"
Short story, 2nd-Place Winner of the 2009 inaugral American Short(er) Fiction Prize, from the journal American Short Fiction

Kaitlyn Greenidge, Hunter MFA Fiction, 2010

Short story, 2nd-Place Winner of the 2009 Fiction Contest from


Caledonia Kearns, Hunter MFA Poetry, 2008

Editor of:
Cabbage and Bones: An Anthology of Irish-American Women's Fiction
(Henry Holt, 1997)

Aura Estrada, Hunter MFA Fiction, 2008

"An Open Secret"
Short story in
Zoetrope: All-Story, vol. 13, no. 1, Spring 2009

Alex Gilvarry, Hunter MFA Fiction, 2009
Eastman Was Here: A Novel

(Viking Penguin, 2017)

Helen Zuman, Hunter MFA Nonfiction 2014
Mating in Captivity: A Memoir

(She Writes Press, 2018)

Tanya Marquardt, Hunter MFA Nonfiction 2012
Stray: A Memoir

(Little A/Amazon, 2018)

Ryan Berg, Hunter MFA Nonfiction, 2008
No House to Call My Home: A Memoir
(Nation Books in August 2015)
Amy Jo Burns, Hunter MFA Nonfiction, 2011
Cinderland: A Memoir

(Beacon Press, 2014)

Emily Bass, Hunter MFA Nonfiction 2009
The Plague War: A Memoir

(Public Affairs, 2019)

Nick Neely, Hunter MFA Nonfiction 2013
Coast Range: A Collection from the Pacific Edge
(Counterpoint Press, 2017)
Nick Nealey, Hunter MFA Nonfiction 2013
Chilton & Other Creatures: Essays

New Michigan Press, 2015

Renee Schaller, Hunter MFA Nonfiction 2008
"From the Ground Down" personal essay

Sara Nelson, Hunter MFA Nonfiction 2008
"Jo Jo and Becky Took Ballet" personal essay

both in
Ploughshares, Fall 2009

Ryan Berg, Hunter MFA Nonfiction 2008

"Lady Fingers" essay in:
Ploughshares, Fall 2008, pp. 8-26

Manijeh Nasrabadi, Hunter MFA Nonfiction 2007
Jade Sanchez-Ventura, Hunter MFA Memoir 2007
Kym Ragusa, Hunter MFA Memoir 2008
(et. al.)

About Face: 25 Woman Write About What They See When They Look in the Mirror
(Seal Press, 2008)

Sangamithra Iyer, Hunter MFA Nonfiction 2010

Thanked for her research assistance by Nobel Laureate Wangari Maathai in the acknolwedgements of her book:

The Challenge for Africa (Pantheon, 2009)

Sandra Hurtes, Hunter MFA Nonfiction 2007

"Weighing In," essay in:
The Contempoary Reader
(Pearson Longman, 2007)

Sandra Hurtes, Hunter MFA Nonfiction 2007

"What's a Knitting Store Without a Yenta?" essay in:
KnitLit the Third: We Spin More Yarns
(Three Rivers Press, 2005)

Kym Ragusa, Hunter MFA Nonfiction 2008

The Skin Between Us: A Memoir of Race, Beauty, and Belonging
(W.W. Norton, 2006)

Scott Cheshire, Hunter MFA Fiction 2010

"Self-Portrait, Rear View," essay in
Knock, no. 10, Fall 2008

Karen Hudes, Hunter MFA Fiction 2005

"Epic Agent: The Great Candida Donadio," essay in
Tin House #24, Summer 2005 pp.149-168

Kym Ragusa, Hunter MFA Nonfiction 2008

Essay in:
Are Italians White?: How Race Is Made in America
(Routledge, 2003)

Kym Ragusa, Hunter MFA Nonfiction 2008

Essay in:
The Milk of Almonds: Italian American Women Writers on Food and Culture
(Feminist Press, 2003)

Caledonia Kearns, Hunter MFA Poetry 2008

"Morena," essay in:
Breeder: Real-Life Stories from the New Generation of Mothers

(Seal Press, 2001) pp.193-197

Caledonia Kearns, Hunter MFA Poetry 2008

Editor of:
Motherland: Writings by Irish American Women About Mothers and Daughters
(Harper Collins, 2000)

Anna Marrian, Hunter MFA Nonfiction 2007

"Under the Influence," essay in:
Behind the Bedroom Door
(Bantam, 2009)

Anna Marrian, Hunter MFA Nonfiction 2007

"Nanny Love," essay in:
Jane Magazine, August 2006

Anna Marrian, Hunter MFA Nonfiction 2007

"Mortgage on My Mind," essay in:
Newsweek, February 7, 2005

Ana Božičević, Hunter MFA Poetry 2007
Joy of Missing Out: Poems

(Birds Press, 2017)

Katie Byrum, Hunter MFA Poetry, 2012
Burn It Down: Poems

Forklift Books, 2015

Jack Lynch, Hunter MFA Poetry 2008

"French Cuffs" poem in
Bellevue Literary Review, Spring 2009

Jason Baker, Hunter MFA Poetry 2011

"Chopsticks" and "I Want to Know Where Time Is Kept," poems in
Poetry East, Spring 2010

Jason Baker, Hunter MFA Poetry 2011

"Tin Man" poem in
Poet Lore, Vol. 103, No.s 3-4, Fall/Winter 2008

Danica Colic, Hunter MFA Poetry 2007

"A Note Left on the Counter," poem,
Winner of the 2009 annual Fugue Poetry Contest

Raphael Allison, Hunter MFA Poetry 2012

Bodies on the Line: Performance and the Sixties Poetry Reading
(University of Iowa Press, 2014)

Danica Colic, Hunter MFA Poetry 2007

Selection of poems, Finalist in 2009 Nimrod Poetry Contest

Amy Meckler, Hunter MFA Poetry 2001

What All the Sleeping Is For
(Defined Providence Press, 2002)

Defined Providence Poetry Book Award 2002

Wendy Wisner, Hunter MFA Poetry 2002

(Wordtech Communications, 2004)

Wendy Wisner, Hunter MFA Poetry 2002

"Seagull" poem in
RHINO magazine, 2008

Kate Light, Hunter MFA Poetry 2005

Open Slowly: Poems
(Zoo Poems, 2003)

Kate Light, Hunter MFA Poetry 2005

The Laws of Falling Bodies
(Story Line Press, 1997)

Nicholas Roerich Prize, 1997 (co-winner)

Ana Bozicevic, Hunter MFA Poetry 2007

Stars of the Night Commute
(Tarpaulin Sky Press, 2009)

Alana Joblin, Hunter MFA Poetry 2007

"Earthworms," poem in
Crab Orchard Review, Vol.14, No. 1, Winter/Spring 2009 (p.142)

Alana Joblin, Hunter MFA Poetry 2007

"Wheat" and "Psalm," poems in
Quarterly West, 65, Fall/Winter 2007-08 (pp.6-7)

Caroline Conway, Hunter MFA Poetry 2006

Poem in
LIT, 13 Fall 2007

Danica Colic, Hunter MFA Poetry 2006

"Syracuse Parallel," poem in
Pebble Lake Review, Fall/Winter 2007

Elizabeth Gross, Hunter MFA Poetry 2011

"Delta," poem in
New Orleans Review, Vol. 32, No. 2

Ari Banias, Hunter MFA Poetry 2007

"A History of Jasmine," poem in
FIELD, Spring 2008

Ari Banias, Hunter MFA Poetry 2007

"One the Whistler, One the Dog" and "We All Have an Uncle," poems in
The Cininnati Review, Summer 2008

Ari Banias, Hunter MFA Poetry 2007

"Vacuum," poem in
Aufgabe, no. 8, 2009

Ari Banias, Hunter MFA Poetry 2007

"Peonies," poem in
Literary Imagination, v. 10, no. 3, 2008

Ari Banias, Hunter MFA Poetry 2007

"Desire," "Desire II," "How A Fire Gets Built," "The Impossible," "On Charm," and "Where My Hands Find Their Way," 18-page chapbook feature in
Mid-American Review, vol. 28, no. 1, Fall 2007 (pp.163-180)

Ari Banias, Hunter MFA Poetry 2007

"A Father" and "The Carrier," poems in
Arts & Letters, no. 17, Spring 2007 (pp.120-121)

Hunter MFA students and alumni: Do you have a creative-writing print publication that isn't listed here? Please let us know, by emailing, so we can add it.

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Best Creative Writing Graduate Programs 2014


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